If you’ve ever attempted to shave your legs or bikini area but ended up with a shaving rash, you can appreciate the discomfort that can result. Every time I shaved my body, I used to develop these rashes and bumps. I eventually grew tired of this discomfort and made the decision to conduct some research and experimentation in an effort to decrease my likelihood of developing a rash and unpleasant bumps from ingrowing hairs.

I experimented with a variety of suggestions, tools, and techniques that I believed might be effective over time. While some of these suggestions were excellent and really helpful, many times the advice, technique, or equipment simply wasn’t made to do what I wanted it to. However, after extensive research and tweaking of these suggestions, I was able to develop a routine that almost entirely avoids shaving bumps and rash, and I’m going to share this with you right now.


The majority of people will pick up the razor and begin slicing their skin when they decide to shave. They are very likely to experience skin irritation, whether it is on their legs or in their bikini area. Many people don’t realize that preparation is the key.

Trim any extra hair with a pair of scissors to a length of 1/4 inch before you even think about using a razor on your body. As a result, you can shave more quickly and reduce the chance of ingrowing hairs. Your razor won’t become as clogged.

Wetting the skin and hair and waiting for a few minutes is the next step in the preparation. In the shower or bath, this is acceptable because it will naturally take place. You can make your hair more supple and generally easier to shave by allowing it to become completely wet.

It’s time to exfoliate now that your hair has had a chance to absorb some water. However, you are free to use whatever you like. I would advise using an exfoliation glove with some body scrub. Exfoliation removes dead skin from the surface, enabling a closer shave with the razor. Additionally, it prevents the razor from becoming clogged with dead skin cells as it approaches the surface.


The shaving itself can now begin. The first thing you should do in this situation is apply some thick shaving cream or gel to make a smooth surface for the razor to glide over. Hair conditioner serves the same purpose if you are out of shaving cream.

Once you’ve lathered up, you can begin shaving with a clean, sharp blade. If your blade is dull, you’ll nick your skin, which will hurt. If you are exercising your legs, you must begin at your ankles and work your way up the leg. For me, working in 6-inch segments is ideal, whereas for others, a single, long stroke up to the thigh is ideal. You’ll just have to put this to the test on your own. Keep in mind to regularly rinse the razor to prevent clogging.

If you choose to trim your bikini area, be sure to use a body trimmer with a setting specifically for trimming, as this will help to keep everything even. To achieve a Brazilian appearance or landing strip, you must first shave against the grain and then move your razor side to side. This is due to the fact that the bikini area’s hair grows in a variety of patterns, making this the best method for obtaining every hair. For difficult-to-reach areas, you can start by using a mirror. With practice, you can eventually just use your fingers to check for any missed hairs. Be sure to rinse frequently and add more shaving cream as necessary.

After Care

Baby powder should be applied to the area(s) you just shaved right away to prevent razor burn. By keeping the skin’s natural oils locked in, friction is decreased and excessive drying is prevented. It’s not necessary to use fancy baby powder; regular talc will do.

The ideal window for applying moisturizer is two hours later. Your skin is prepared to absorb some additional moisture now that it has had time to recover from the close shave. I’ve discovered that any moisturizer will work, so if there is a specific brand you like, use that one. After having your skin closely shaved, I would advise against using brands with strong fragrances.

The reason I don’t shave every day is that my hair doesn’t grow that quickly and is relatively light. If you must shave every day because of coarse, dark hair, it’s okay; just use these suggestions, and everything will be fine. To keep your hair soft and supple, however, if you have light, slowly growing hair like I do, moisturize every day. I’ve discovered that by doing this, I only need to shave a few times a week.


Your shaving tools themselves are crucial as well. Expect subpar results if you plan to use inexpensive disposable razors. The best kind of razor, in my experience, is one with three or four blades on a pivotal head; it can be electric or disposable; it really just depends on your comfort level. The pressure and direction can be controlled more precisely when using multi-bladed razors on pivoting heads, and because they have three or four blades, you only need to go over an area once or twice.

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