Even though waxing one’s body may not be considered to be rocket science, I believe it to be both magical and scientific. Just picture a carpet covered in unwelcome hair, and then, before you can say “supercalifragilisticexpealidocious,” the hair is gone. Smooth skin that is free of friction, at least for the upcoming few weeks, reveals what is really underneath.

Okay, so maybe I exaggerated a little, but everything is happening so quickly that people might not realize that Newton’s laws of motion (the scientific aspect) are actively at work during a waxing session. When getting waxed, there is much more to consider than is initially apparent. Later, I will go over what to look for, but for now, let’s focus on Steve Carell’s hilariously inventive take on chest waxing.

Since its release, the 40-year-old virgin mania has generated some very interesting conversation during wax sessions, and thanks to youtube, i was able to observe it firsthand. I’ll start by saying, “OUCH!”, and kudos to the waxtress for using satin smooth products (i use these products, and love them). At least she uses quality products even if her waxing technique was made for “entertainment purposes only.”

Our culture’s obsession with waxing has been aided by You Tube and 40 Year Virgin. Please keep in mind that these hilarious interpretations of body waxing are not accurate. At most, they are funny parodies. These minor viral situations are against state board regulations for licensing, training, and sanitation.

Here are a few things to think about when picking an esthetician to perform your waxing now that we have a good idea of how waxing can go horribly wrong.

1. Do they follow the no-double-dipping rule?

2. Reuse or recycling of wax is it done?

3. Do they wear gloves?

4. Do they take care of your skin both before and after waxing?

5. Do they give you advice on how to take care of your freshly waxed skin?

These are just a few of the many factors to consider when waxing. If the person you are considering does not meet “all” of these very basic guidelines then please reconsider. A knowledgeable customer is a happy customer. ¡Happy Waxing!

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