Greens around the world and anti-Tescoites are no doubt rejoicing at the fact that the carbon footprint is the topic du jour. The omnipresent theme of an enviro-friendly lifestyle is comparable to Karl Marx, in that it can be applied to absolutely…

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Picture the scene: you’ve finally agreed on a destination; it’s taken some time to get to the point of actually booking the holiday. It could be a well-earned rest from all the stress of work with your partner, a hedonistic youthful party trip or a…

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Most plus size women usually opt for a simple one piece style as their swimsuit of choice even though they might prefer something more different. The tankini is an often forgotten style, which would make the perfect choice and a great alternative to…

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Swimsuits are really quite a young invention. In ancient Rome and Greece, swimming activities were commonly done in the nude. And this continued for quite some time at least for men. Women began clothing themselves in the United Kingdom as early as the…

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Isn’t that confusing? Can we just call them all "panties"? I guess we can, but every panty style is made for a different reason, hence the different name.

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Summer break is just a few months away, which means you have only a number of weeks to prepare your body for the beach. If you are busy and do not have the time to shape up, don’t worry, because you can always work around your figure and find a…

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Looking for that perfect swimsuit to lounge around the ship pool? Not as hard as it should be. Follow these time-proven hints for a suit that looks great on you.

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If your arrival in Miami is via rental car, as ours was, you may find yourself precariously clutching hotel directions as you navigate the complex interstate/freeway system, scared to breathe at the wrong time for fear of missing an all important turn….

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Have you ever visited a rating (also known as HOT or NOT) website? These types of battle sites are becoming more and more popular on the Internet. Some people might say that these sites are vain or even a desperate attempt to feed one’s already…

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Can you be over fifty years old and wear a bikini? You bet your low-rise bottom from Victoria’s Secret you can. Ah, but should you?

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